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Internet Protocol   IP

     IP cameras are a great choice when high performance and flexibility are needed.  IP cameras are typically 25-35% more expensive than a TVi counter part in the same resolution.  The main advantage is they are available up to 12 megapixels.  This is double or even triple the highest resolution of a Tvi system.  When high performance is the key factor IP cameras are the first choice.

     IP cameras are unique in that they use one connection for both power and video, only requiring a single Ethernet cable.  Yes the same type of connection that we all use to plug our computers and devices in for internet.  Hence the name of the camera "Internet Protocol".  The average cable being about the diameter of a pencil.  These systems are much easier in the fact that you just "plug" them in at both ends and your done.  Smaller cables with no extra external power source. 

     IP cameras can be accessed through the internet for viewing and customization.  They can also be utilized in wireless systems where extreme long distances or running wires are not possible.

     They do or can require more knowledge to install or configure over other types of systems, but overall more robust in performance and flexibility.

     Call me today and I can design and install the perfect system for you.  877-331-7788

RJ45 Camera Connector
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